I am a self taught, Journeyman Bladesmith. I work small scale, giving every item I make the time and care it deserves, to create high quality, handmade tools that will last. My Bladesmithing is massively influenced by Japanese blade craft, with focus on choice of steel, process and function. I learn and change my work frequently, experimenting with new techniques and processes, but always aim to keep my work affordable, and handmade. I source my materials as ethically as possible, including recycled precious metals and local hardwoods.
It can be difficult choosing a knife. Especially those made of specific materials or for a specific purpose. If you need any help choosing a type of knife or tool, made by me or anybody else, feel free to contact me below.
On site visit - If you would like to arrange a visit to my workshop, please contact me.
In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me with any ideas you have for custom projects, or questions regarding my work and processes.
I aim to get back to you within a couple of days, but on the off chance I am away I will contact you as soon as possible.